African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) is a major woody weed in the Hay region and has recently been formally recognised as a Weed of National Significance (WoNS) within Australia.
Easily spread from seeds and twigs transported by birds, and readily reshooting from roots and stumps left after clearing attempts, Boxthorn is difficult to eradicate and can quickly dominate an area, forming dense thorny thickets that can be almost impossible to penetrate, and which become havens for feral animals like foxes, cats and rabbits.
In 2011 Hay Trees on Plains Landcare recieved funding from Toshiba to accurately map the spread of African Boxthorn particularly through native Black Box woodland remnants in the Hay LGA. The goal is to use this mapping to plan strategic Boxthorn control measures across the LGA.
Learn more about African Boxthorn in NSW.